
be your own damn

Winston Salem and Charlotte, NC
Boudoir photographer

Best Wedding photographers in north carolina

More than just pretty pictures...

A life-changing



Schedule a call.

*Don’t worry, you don’t have to come to your call with a to do list and questions, (you don't even need anything to write with) just show up, we’ll handle the rest. 

After our call, we’ll send you a proposal outlining everything we talked about on the phone. 


what to expect

Booking is a breeze! We’ll start by choosing your date—most clients book 4–6 months in advance, but if you’re looking for something sooner, we often have last-minute openings and a waiting list for reschedules.

To secure your session, all you need is a $500 Session Fee and a signed contract. Our seamless online system makes it quick and effortless—just a few clicks, and you're all set! It’s that easy!


Now you can RELAX—just like our easy booking process, everything else is just as effortless!

We’ll get to know you through a personalized questionnaire and a complimentary wardrobe consultation, where you’ll explore our client closet, select your outfits, and see our stunning products in person.

Plus, you’ll have the option to set up a flexible payment plan, so when your session day arrives, all you have to do is show up, feel amazing, and enjoy the experience!


Ready to book?

After your photoshoot, you’ll have time to relax and recharge before your reveal, which happens about an hour later. Enjoy lunch, order in, or unwind in our private white room—you can even opt for a spa package for extra pampering!

During your reveal, you’ll watch a stunning slideshow of 75–100 images, select your favorites, and design your album or products right on the spot. You’ll leave knowing exactly what you're getting—no surprises, just pure excitement!


A masterpiece that serves as a constant reminder of your awesomeness.


choose your session date

be your own damn


Thank you!

We can't wait to chat - expect to hear from us within 24-48 hours!

view our pricing guide

Start celebrating you! - contact us today
